// FILE: maze.h -- A two-dimensional text-based maze object
//   BY: John Zelle

// A Maze is an abstraction of a two-dimensional table of characters, where 
// '*' and '.' have special meaning.  '*' indicates a wall in the maze, and
// '.' indicates an open cell.  Open cells may be filled with any character
// Walls are not over-writable.  Rows and columns in the maze are indexed
// starting at 1.

// NOTATION: VALID_POS(r,c) ==  ( 1 <= r <= max_row()
//                             && 1 <= c <= max_col() )
const int MAX_MAZE_DIM = 25; // Largest maze may have this many rows and cols.
class Maze
public: //===================> Public <==========================
//================> constructors <=================================
  // POST: This 7 x 7 maze has been created

  Maze(int rows, int cols); 
  // POST:  this rows x cols maze has been created.

//================> member functions <============================
  int max_row() const;
     // POST: FCTVAL == maximum valid row index in this maze

  int max_col() const;
     // POST:   FCTVAL == maximum valid column index in this maze

  int is_open(int row, int col) const;
     // PRE:  VALID_POS(row, col)
     // POST: FCTVAL == position (row,col) of this maze is open

  void mark(int row, int col, char marker);
     // PRE:    VALID_POS(row, col)
     //      && is_open(row, col) 
     //      && ASSIGNED(marker) 
     // POST: position (row, col) contains marker

  void unmark(int row, int col);
     // PRE: VALID_POS(row, col) &&
     //		 _map[row][col] != '*'
     // POST: is_open(row, col)

//=======================> friend functions <=======================

  friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& stream, Maze m);
     // POST: this maze has been written to stream

  friend istream& operator>>(istream& stream, Maze& m);
     // POST: this maze has been read from stream

private: //=======================> Private <================================
  int _max_row;
  int _max_col;
  char _map[MAX_MAZE_DIM+1][MAX_MAZE_DIM+1];