//  Programmer:		Gregory A. Perkins	
//	Class:			CS 66
//  Due:			30 January 1997

//  This program accepts odometer readings and amounts of fuel used on a
//  multi-leg trip.  It displays the leg data (miles & mpg), and the trip
//  data (mpg) for each leg.  When the user has completed data entry, the
//  program displays the total miles for the trip, the total gallons 
//  consumed on the trip, and the average mpg for the trip.


//Function Prototypes
void welcome(double& oldOdom);
void displayStopNum();
void getNewData(double& newGal, double& newOdom);
double legMiles(double& newOdom, double oldOdom);
double legMpg(double mil, double newGal);
double tripMpg(double totalMil, double totalGal);
void displayTripSummary(double totalMil, double totalGal, double aveMpg);

//Function Definitions
int main()
        double oldOdometer = 0;

        double newGallons = 0;
        double newOdometer = 0;
        double miles = 0;
        double mpg = 0; 
        double totalMiles = 0;
        double totalGallons = 0;        
            getNewData(newGallons, newOdometer);
            if (newGallons > 0)
            	cout << "Distance traveled this leg: ";
                miles = legMiles(newOdometer, oldOdometer);
                cout << setprecision(5)
                     << miles
                     << endl
                     << "MPG for this leg: ";
                mpg = legMpg(miles, newGallons);         
                cout << setprecision(3)
                     << mpg
                     << endl;
                totalMiles += miles;
                totalGallons += newGallons;
                cout << "MPG for trip: ";
                mpg = tripMpg(totalMiles, totalGallons);
                cout << setprecision(3)
                     << mpg
                     << endl
                     << endl;
                oldOdometer = newOdometer;
        } while (newGallons > 0);
        displayTripSummary(totalMiles, totalGallons, mpg);
        return 0;

void welcome(double& oldOdom)
        cout << "Welcome to the MPG wizard."
             << endl << endl
             << "Please enter the initial odometer reading:  ";
        cin >> oldOdom;  //  initial odometer reading
        cout << endl;

void displayStopNum()
        static int stopNumber = 0;  //  keep track of the current stop number
        stopNumber += 1;  //  increase stop number by one every time function is called
        cout << "Fuel Stop #"
             << stopNumber
             << endl
             << "-------------"
             << endl;

void getNewData(double& newGal,
                double& newOdom)
        cout << "Input gallons consumed (0 to quit): ";
        cin >> newGal;
        if (newGal > 0)  //  get new odometer reading if trip is not over
                cout << "Input new odometer reading: ";
                cin >> newOdom;
        cout << endl;
double legMiles(double& newOdom,
                double oldOdom)
        if (newOdom < oldOdom)
        	newOdom += 1000000.0;
        return (newOdom - oldOdom);

double legMpg(double mil,
              double newGal)
        return (mil / newGal);

double tripMpg(double totalMil,
               double totalGal)
        return (totalMil / totalGal);

void displayTripSummary(double totalMil,
                        double totalGal,
                        double aveMpg)
        cout << "Trip Summary"
             << endl
             << "-------------"
             << endl
             << "Total distance traveled: "
             << setprecision(5)
             << totalMil
             << endl
             << "Total fuel consumed: "
             << setprecision(3)
             << totalGal
             << endl << endl
             << "Average MPG: "
             << setprecision(3)
             << aveMpg
             << endl;