// Programmer:		Gregory A. Perkins
// Class:			CS 66
// Due:				3 March 1997

// This program accepts the probability that a player will win a racquetball service
// on his/her serve for two players.  It then prompts the user to enter the number of
// games to play.  Upon completion, the program displays the number of games won by
// each player and the number of shutouts achieved by each player.

// rball2.cc -- structuring racquetball simulation using classes.
// by: John Zelle (2/27/97)
// Code for SimStat class has been excised.

#include "rballgame.h"
#include "simstats.h"

//====================================> main <==================================

void getInputs( float& Aprob, float& Bprob, int& numGames );

void main()
  srand(clock());								//  seed the random number generator

  float Aprob, Bprob;
  int numGames;
  SimStats stats;

  getInputs( Aprob, Bprob, numGames);
  for(int i = 0; i < numGames; i++)
      RBallGame theGame(Aprob, Bprob);
      while ( !theGame.isOver() )

//==============================> getInputs <==================
getInputs( float& A, float& B, int& N )
  cout << "Enter A prob: ";
  cin >> A;
  cout << "Enter B prob: ";
  cin >> B;
  cout << "\nHow many games> ";
  cin >> N;