C Code,
C++ Code,
Pascal Code,
QBasic Code,
Visual Basic Code,
Game Programming Projects,
Web Sites
The following is a list of the code that I have authored, unless otherwise
commented. I have broken the code down into specific listings by language.
This listing, by far, is not complete. This page will remain under
continuous construction until I have finished with school. At that point,
it will undergo a drastic facelift to become my "living" resume.
I have also begun to do a little freelance web-site design. In addition to
my source code, I have included a section with links to the sites that I
have created. Feel free to send comments about any of the code or the web
sites that I have created. I am ALWAYS open to constructive criticism.
All the code included on this page is free for public access. I only ask
that you drop me a note to let me know if you find something here that is
useful to you. Most of the code included here is not commented very well.
- average.c
- This program simply allows the user to enter an arbitrary number of integers, then displays the average.
- caps.c
- This program uses bitwise operators to convert lowercase alphabetic (ONLY) characters to uppercase.
- cw.c
- This program emulates the functionality of the word count ("wc") UNIX command. For a more complete description, type "man wc" from the UNIX/Linux system shell. The program's results are undefined when attempting to count the "words" in an executable/binary file.
- ellipse.c
- A very simple, menu-driven drawing program
- factor.c
- Simple integer factoring program. Displays the integer as a product of prime numbers.
- factor2.c
- An improved factoring program. This program will factor large integer values (up to and including the largest 'unsigned long int').
- hanoi.c
- This program will tell you how many calls to the recursive hanoi function is required to solve the "Towers of Hanoi" problem with n disks.
- kruskal.c
- This program is an implementation of Kruskal's Algorithm for determining a minimal spanning tree for a connected, non-directed, weighted graph.
- macro_min.c
- This was an exercise in C macros. It simply returns minimum values. It is a good starting point for producing a dynamic version.
- matmul.c
- A matrix multiplication program. It is an implementation of dynamic programming.
- menu.c
- A very simple menu program. This program can be easily modified to serve as the basis of a larger program.
- pal.c
- This program will identify whether or not a string of characters (line) entered by the user is a palindrome. The program will accept a maximum of 80 characters to check.
- power.c
- This program finds and displays the smallest powers of two whose last n digits end in all "1s" and "2s".
- ptr.c
- This program illustrates why it is necessary to use pointers to swap values in C programs.
- repeat.c
- This program accepts data from standard input and reports the number of times that letters are repeated.
- repeat1.c
- repeat2.c
- This program does the exact same thing as repeat.c does. It was simply an exercise in using multiple files to create programs. To implement the program you will have to use repeat1.c and repeat2.c.
- rotate.c
- This program uses pointers to rotate the elements of an array in a positive/right direction or in a negative/left direction. It also uses command line arguments during compilation to adjust the array between 'integer', 'character', or 'float' types.
- timehack.c
- Simple time subtraction program
- TTTutor.c
- A Times Table Tutoring program with the very young student in mind. This program generates random 2-value multiplication problems and gives the user two opportunities to obtain the correct answer. If the user is unable to determine/obtain the correct answer, the program then gives the user a 'walkthrough' on solving the problem.
- sigint.c
- This program demonstrates the use of signal to trap keyboard interrupts from the terminal. The program was written and implemented in UNIX, so the results are undefined on any other platform.
Go to the top of the Source Code Listing.
ALL files in each section are required for each project listed
Go to the top of the Source Code Listing.
- cs65.p
- File containing routines that are necessary to run some of the programs listed below. Include this file in the project file of the pascal project if the program below contains the line: "USES cs65"
- big-x.p
- An "X" drawn in graphics mode
- bowling.p
- A graphical scorecard for bowling
- codebreaker.p
- A decoding program for simple, polyalphabetic encryption
- codebreakerhelper.p
- A verification program to ensure accuracy of codebreaker.p
- codemaker.p
- An encoding/decoding program for simple, polyalphabetic encryption
- elevator.p
- A simulation of an elevator's embedded system
- histogram.p
- A simple, text mode histogram displayer for a population of heights
- investment.p
- A grahical representation of an investment - fixed inflation built in
- powerfinder.p
- This program finds and displays the smallest powers of two whose last n digits end in all "1s" and "2s". Same as "C" version above.
- randomcode.p
- An encoding/decoding program for simple, polyalphabetic encryption
- serversim.p
- An internet server simulation program
- serversim2.p
- An internet server simulation program
- sortarray.p
- A simple find and replace array sorter
- supertutor.p
- A simple mathematics tutoring program - addition only
- timehack.p
- Simple time subtraction program
Go to the top of the Source Code Listing.
- 1122_16.bas
- Prints table of temperature conversions
- 1123_24.bas
- Very primitive, text-based dice game - Craps
- 1124_14.bas
- A fairly decent record management program for QBasic - Address Book
- hangman.bas
- My first attempt at a game. It's not that bad for QBasic :)
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Go to the top of the Source Code Listing.
Only descriptions of the projects included here!!!
I eventually intend to include screen shots of the games here
- Crown Quest
- Will the king escape??? A strategy board game.
- Final Phase
- Can you be the ONLY one to complete the gauntlet of Phases??? A rummy-like card game.
- Patrol Leader
- Can you bring the unit back alive??? A role-playing, adventure game.
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Warning!!! No return links included
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Last Updated: 20 May 1999
Go to the top of the author's resume.
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